Building on the success of our previous webinar series, our next and final instalment of the Support Series will focus on the last two steps of the 5Ws and 2Hs of Net Zero, namely ‘how much’ and ‘share’. In this session we will discuss how to manage Net Zero ambitions including offset and how to measure these as well as the efficacity of standards and pledges in communicating progresses.
Join us on Wednesday 26th March 10am – 1pm, for an opportunity to share common challenges, better understand how fellow member companies are continuously improving their business, and hear more about Finesse Control Systems an Electrical, Controls & Instrumentation (EC&I) Engineering Company – Specialising in the design, development and full systems integration of bespoke industrial automation solutions.
This session will look at various areas impacted by E, D & I requirements, with a particular focus on the new duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.