For over 150 years we’ve connected Scottish industry to expert knowledge, advice and supply chain opportunities at home and abroad. Now we connect you to industry information, FAQs, templates and downloads 24 hours a day through our online members portal
When we work together, we make huge leaps where individuals make steps. We collaborate with political leaders, industry bodies and regulators at all levels to give our members influence over industry-related issues locally, nationally and internationally.
By celebrating the achievements of our members, we give credit where it’s due and raise the profile of industry in Scotland. We use our position of influence in the eyes of the media to connect Scottish industry to the public so they have a positive impression of the sector and its benefits.
Learning is the key to a prosperous future. The training we facilitate develops skills for all levels of staff and management and encourages a culture of best practice sharing amongst members. We go further, giving members access to top talent through our active involvement with educational establishments including primary schools through to higher and further education.
As an SME, we benefit from our Membership with Scottish Engineering as it provides us with invaluable access to professional services, such as Health & Safety, Legal services and access to top decision makers. The continuous updates on employment law and economic data are always useful and ensure we are up to date with what is happening within industry. Their broad and diverse range of Members creates a sense of community, where companies can rely on the advice and support of their peers within industry to create solutions to common challenges and share their best practice solutions.
A focus on creating a strong community within Scottish industry to present a united front to the world. Connecting that united front to the world economy
To cultivate the community within Scottish industry so that members succeed in their business and the industry
Connect members with ideas to members with the means to make them a reality, so innovation, and Scottish industry, thrives
We use the knowledge and connections created by over 155 years of our heritage to build stronger Scottish industry
We’re 100% funded by members fees so you know we’re on your side. Our only guarantee of income is the value we provide to our members.