First Line Management Training

Event Date:

10 January 2023

Event Time:

10:00 am

Event Location:

Online Webinar

A huge thank you to those who have taken part in First Line Management Training so far. If you’d like to register for the January 2023 cohort, please contact

We’ve run successful Supervisor Training as a classroom event for a number of years which has proved really popular, and we will continue to offer classroom-based learning when it is possible to do so. However, lots of us have got used to spending a good proportion of our working time online, and moving this learning online allows for much better flexibility.

We’ve also changed the programme on the course to include more detail on some of the things we know create issues for managers; new sections on absence management, more detail on performance management, communication, and dealing with difficult conversations are all refreshed or new to the programme for 2023.

Each module will be tutor-led and the courses will be delivered via Zoom – that means we can have break-out sessions, whiteboards and still interact as we would in a classroom setting. We have case studies, real work examples, and a chance to network.

Alongside that, we have developed a learning and development plan; this helps you identify the areas you want to develop through the programme, in tandem with your manager, and reflect on that after and between sessions. It’s for you – we don’t mark it or collect it – but as this is a programme, it gives you the chance to see your learning journey through the course.


To register your place, please email


Dates and Aims

Each session will last around 90 minutes with a break. Sessions will begin at 10am and conclude around 12pm. 

Session 1 
Understanding First Line Management – Tue 10 Jan 2023
This session examines the role of a First Line Manager and outlines the tasks, skills, qualities, and competence required to be effective. It will help analyse the areas of your own development.
Session 2 
Performance Management – Tue 14 Feb 2023 
This session outlines the Manager’s role in proper Performance Management to enable them to get the best from their team, to identify and deal with poor performance including performance improvement plans.
Session 3 
Absence Management – Tue 14 March 2023
This session outlines the process for dealing with poor attendance, including frequent short-term sickness absence, managing long-term absence, and supporting those with disabilities.
Session 4 
Discipline and Grievance
Part 1 – Tue 11th April 2023
These sessions outline in detail the process for managing disciplinary and grievance processes, including investigation, hearings, and appeals. This session focusses on the Disciplinary investigation process.
(Part 2) Session 4 
Discipline and Grievance
Part 2 – Tue 18th April 2023
These sessions outline in detail the process for managing disciplinary and grievance processes, including investigation, hearings, and appeals. This session focusses on Disciplinary Hearings and the Legal Context
Session 5
Communication and Courageous Conversations – Tue 9th May 2023
This session aims to deal with the most challenging element of management – communicating clearly and effectively and dealing with poor performance, behaviour, or other challenging conversations.(Final session)
(Final session)
Building High Performing Teams – Tue 13th June 2023
This session aims to equip managers with the confidence and competence to develop their team, as individuals and as a unit, to understand culture, and to focus on their own development.


Cost for 2023

£350 + VAT Member price 

£450 + VAT Non-Member price 


Session details

Session 1 is a broad introduction to the role of the First Line Manager; there are subtle differences in roles depending on where you work, but we will focus on the broad context of management; the skills and qualities you will need, the relationship between your team and you and hopefully discover the pathway to success in your career. We will also cover the learning plan in this session, where we will review your own development needs and identify areas that you want to focus on improving.

Session 2 is Performance Management – in our view one of the biggest challenges that face any manager. We will focus on how to identify and deal with poor performance, how to develop potential, how to involve your team in improving performance, and how to deal with those who may not be capable of performing at the level you need.

Session 3 is focussed on Absence Management. Sickness absence and the consequences of it create huge operational challenges in all organisations, and supporting and understanding the health of our workforce is key to both our team’s wellbeing and our operational effectiveness. In this session, we will cover how and when to intervene, what the role of a manager in employee wellbeing is, how to support people with disabilities, and what management action we can and should take when absence becomes an issue.

Session 4 is split into two modules covering one broad topic – Discipline and Grievance. In these sessions we will cover both processes; dealing with both correctly is hugely important and when not done so, leave the company open to risk. We cover the principles of investigation, creating a report, disciplinary and grievance hearings as well as the legal context surrounding both.

Session 5 focusses on some of the softer management skills – Communication and Difficult conversations. Poor communication is always one of the biggest concerns of employees in surveys, and finding a communication style that works for you, and works for your team is key to your success as a manager. No-one finds difficult conversations easy – whether it’s dealing with poor behaviour, bad attitude, or performance concerns, we will discuss ways to make it easier and more effective.

Our final session is on Building High Performing Teams; we’ll look at what makes effective team working, look at our own experiences of team working, and how as a manager you can impact team effectiveness as well as looking at missions, values, culture, and goals.

We will also round off on the learning and development plan. There is generally one session a month except for our Health and Safety session, where we combine the two parts in one day.

For more info, contact

Total Seats: 0

Event Schedule Details

  • 10 January 2023 10:00 am 13 June 2023 12:00 pm
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