RWG Member Networking and Best Practice Meeting

Event Date:

23 November 2023

Event Time:

10:00 am

Event Location:

RWG (Repair & Overhauls) Ltd, Kirkhill Drive, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7GA


Thursday 23 November 2023 – Please note this event is full

Join us on Thursday 23 November 2023, 10am – 1pm, for an opportunity to share common challenges, better understand how fellow member companies are continuously improving their business, hear more about  RWG, a global market leader for maintenance, repair and overhaul of Siemens Energy Industrial aero-derivative gas generators. RWG is authorised by Rolls-Royce Naval & Marine to maintain gas turbines used for marine propulsion, it is headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland, employing 500 highly skilled and experienced people across the world.

A tour of RWG’s facilities provides insight into the complex world of gas turbine maintenance. Visitors will observe a disciplined and professional team, using well-defined procedures and processes to ensure the quality, performance and integrity of overhauled rotating equipment in service. RWG’s investment in the circular economy will be evident, with a focus on advanced component repair technology to restore worn or damaged gas turbine components. This comprehensive repair capability covers 90% of components contained within a gas turbine, avoiding additional cost and lead time associated with supply of new replacement parts.







Event Location:

Total Seats: 16

Event Schedule Details

  • 23 November 2023 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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