PPE Contacts List and the use of face coverings – Updated for November 2020
All of our member companies are having to address their responsibilities to provide as safe a working environment as possible in regard to COVID-19 as well as “normal business” hazards. PPE plays a key role in addressing these issues.
We previously supplied a list of companies who are manufacturing and/or supplying PPE. We have also added companies who are offering decontamination services, testing and a CPD certified COVID-19 course, branded face coverings and UV-C Air Sterilisation Products.
- Click here for our updated list of PPE manufacturer/suppliers.
- Click here to view further information about SWGR Decontamination services
- Click here to view further information on Reactec SAFE-DISTANCE technology
- Click here to view further information on Engineering Supply Co (Scotland) Ltd UV-C Air Sterilisation Products.
We kindly ask that you contact these companies directly for further information on detailed specifications or availability. All these businesses are located in Scotland.
The mandatory use of face coverings in canteens & communal areas of the workplace.
Updated guidance from the Scottish Government is on its way. Generally it will require companies to identify areas of the workplace which are work areas, canteen, communal areas (passageways, stairs, training rooms, lift, changing rooms, entrances & any other area where people might gather).
Then consider where face coverings are required to be worn i.e where measures to ensure 2m distancing is not possible.
- whether it is practical or appropriate for employees to use their own face coverings in these workplace areas, or whether it is more practical or appropriate for you to supply face coverings for your employees.
- whether these face coverings have to be stored in certain places when not in use, and where these will be stored
- the logistics of employees having to retrieve face coverings, and the possibility of employees having to travel through communal areas, without their face covered, to retrieve these
- how used face coverings will be disposed of or washed safely and hygienically
- using signs which clearly identify each designated workplace area, the rules that apply regarding the wearing of face coverings in each of these areas, and at which point these should be worn
The other addition to the guide will be with regard to temperature checks
The guidance does not recommend the use of temperature checking employees as a means of testing for COVID-19 due to the low efficacy rate of this method.