YEYA 2025
Submit your application for YEYA 2025
The Scottish Engineering Young Engineer of the Year Award (YEYA), has recognised and celebrated the best young engineers in Scotland for nearly 30 years.
Is there a young member of your team who has shown excellence, innovation, and imagination within your industry? Encourage them to submit an application for the Young Engineer of the Year Award, giving them the opportunity to be recognised for their work, be presented with the “Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow Award” trophy, and receive a £1000 and £500 prize for our winner and runner-up.
The closing date for entries is 4pm on Friday 14th February 2025
- Entry is open to recognised engineers who are 35 years of age or under at closing date.
- Entrants should be employed in the engineering industry in Scotland.
- Entrants should be able to demonstrate that they are in or have taken a major role in an engineering/technological project which has or will significantly improve the technology and/or competitiveness of their employing organisation.
- Entrants must be available on the week commencing the 10th of March for interview if initial application successful
- The individual’s entry should include an email endorsement of its content by a relevant manager from the company.
- We do not accept joint applications or group applications.
Reviewing of applications
- All applications will be acknowledged via email and then reviewed by our panel of judges.
- Successful candidates (or, the “Shortlist”) will be invited to an interview where they will make a brief presentation on their project and discuss it with the judging panel.
Submitting your application
- You can download our application form here.
- The submission deadline is Friday 14th February 2025
- Applications can be in the form of a report or presentation and should include relevant information about the candidate and the background to the project or work undertaken.
- Applications must not exceed five pages, including diagrams
- As the first round of judging will be made on this submission, it is important that you give yourself the best chance of recognition for the content of your project.
- Upon completion, please send your report or presentation by email to yeya25@scottishengineering.org.uk who will be in contact with further application instructions.
- Judging will be based solely on the information submitted by the candidate.
- Decisions reached will be regarded as final after the winners have been announced.
- Scottish Engineering and the Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow reserve the right to publicise entries but will make an appropriate acknowledgment of the entrants and their employers.
- Our winner will be displayed on our social media platforms and the Scottish Engineering website.
The closing date for entries is 4pm Friday 14th February 2024
Our 2024 YEYA Winners –
Our Young Engineer of the Year 2024 is Ross McPhillie of RUA Life Sciences
Our 2024 Young Engineer of the Year Award (YEYA24) in partnership with The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow was presented to Ross McPhillie of RUA Life Sciences for his role in developing a prosthetic heart valve prototype that is transitioning to commercialisation.
Young Engineer of the Year 2024 runner up is Ewan Ferguson of Consarc Engineering
Young Engineer of the Year 2024 runner up is Ross Herbert of Leonardo
The YEYA24 runner up trophies were awarded to Ewan Ferguson of Consarc Engineering and also to Ross Herbert of Leonardo.
This award is in association with The Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow