January’s Breakfast Briefing – An Overview of the Employment Tribunal 

Catch up with January’s Breakfast Briefing – An Overview of the Employment Tribunal 

Our first Breakfast Briefing of 2025 took a detailed look at Employment Tribunals.

In this session, our solicitor Amie Trainor discussed a range of areas that play a key role in an employment tribunal and the areas your organisation should be aware of, this included: responding to a claim, the preparation process and the hearing itself. If you missed the session or would like a refresh, you can catch the recording and the slides below.


View the slides


Catch the recording below:


Please look out for details of forthcoming Breakfast Briefings, which take place on the first Wednesday of the month from 08:00-08:30. If you have any questions on this Breakfast Briefing or suggestions for future briefings, then please contact Amie Trainor in the ScotEng legal team.

Tel: 0141 221 3181

Email:  amietrainor@scottishengineering.org.uk